P. 89

  From: Mitre House Management Ltd Subject: Mitre House Update
Date: 28 August 2014 at 19:10
To: sega, Karupiah Segar, Leoni-Sceti Maria, Riad Samya, michele Hillgarth, Jamil Raja, Graffiti Editions Ink/Designers, Leigh-Pemberton Christopher, Fortunati Diego & Susanna
  You will be relieved to know the electrical works at Mitre House are now completed and the internal scaffolding tower dismantled for a while, meaning we now have:
a_Two power points on each landing (for benefit of better cleaning equipment)
b_Emergency Lighting, both interior, exterior and on fire escape bin area to fully comply with H&S c_Fire Escape lighting (bin area on sensors) and also dual acting as emergency as above
d_Two additional hallway lighting units for two additional hallway lights (4 in total)
e_Tidying up visible wiring on each landing where possible and boxing meters (in hand). f_Replacement new lighting on each landing (2) and hallway (4)
g_ ALL Lighting on timed adjustable sensors to work automatically requiring no manual switch on. f_We have also installed neon lit manual switch overides in case of sensor failure/malfunction.
Some tidying up and final adjustments will be made towards the end of the scheduled works.
And item (e) above will be done this Saturday, meaning a slightly noisy morning until 1.30pm I'm afraid.
Scaffolding will begin installation around 8.30am on Sunday (31st August) - it'll be noisy, annoying and intrusive for which apologies but that's scaffolders for you - and again the following Sunday most probably. Make sure you have advised your own insurers.
Finally, I can't recall if indeed you have already been advised, but following the heavy winds, storms and rain over Christmas and early 2014, someone's aerial has snapped off - but no one has complained of loss of signal so possibly it's a redundant aerial, but it is a good one - see pix attached. It appears the lead goes down to either Flat 5 or 3 but can't be certain. If no one claims it to be fixed, it will be removed.
That's it - three months of works to endure so patience understanding and sympathy for those doing the work and those organising it please. There will be problems but hopefully easily sorted in an intelligent and charming fashion. Those that have previously experienced major works at Mitre House will be fully conversant with procedures and upsets. Those that haven't are in for a bumpy ride. All done and dusted by latest 21st November.

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