P. 98
From: Subject: Date: To:
1_Does any lessee have any problems with their sash windows/cord/opening etc? If so please advise by return so they can be attended to as both top and bottom sashes must be able to stay up or down half way etc for painting properly. At some stage soon, lessees will be required to make sure their windows can be opened for exterior painting etc - you will be advised 48-72 hours ahead of time.
2_Ref: communal aerial install - to do properly it will entail interior flat access for drilling through the walls into everybody's sitting room and bedroom to install the wiring and a tv plug point. Through the wall is preferable to through the window as you might have at present - your choice as either will suffice.
The alternative to interior access & drilling is that the cabling will be left neat and tidy outside of your sitting room and bedroom window so allowing the install by you at your future convenience. This would simply entail drilling from inside to outside and bringing the cable through and attaching it to a normal tv plug point. Any tv aerial man go do or your favourite builder or even I can do.
Please let us know which you prefer and then a day can be appropriated for the full or partial install. Those with existing satellite dishes will simply be rewired on roof area to comply with the new neat wiring etc - your existing internal points will not be disturbed but the external cabling will be re-routed into your flat in the same way the tv cable will. Please advise your satellite existence if any. Flat 4 has two..... who else?
3_Notes on the WORKS to date:
Since the scaffolding commenced installation on Sunday 31st August, exactly two weeks ago, dead on schedule, Management have already saved Lessees £1177.56 OFF the agreed and budgeted £105, 019.
This has been accomplished by Management doing various workings which could be done at a more economical cost (in brief, shop signage (COSTED (Contingency) BY A.R. LAWRENCE FOR £800 plus vat which Management have produced for £125.......and tidying up visible wiring and making Meter Cupboards which A.R.Lawrence costed at £922 plus Vat for 3 meter cupboards and Management have produced same for £648 incl vat but TO ALSO INCLUDE BOXING IN THE (some) LOOSE INTERNAL WIRING on all three floors).
This initial saving of £1177.56 will not however be reimbursed to lessees at the end of the works, as Management will utilise this first of many savings, to progress works on the interior NOT included in the Surveyor's Specifications (such as the lift workings).
In brief, Management are attempting, and will succeed, in presenting the interior decor of Mitre House to a standard not even envisaged by most lessees, at no additional cost to lessees over and above the agreed £105,019 budget. This will be achieved by making small savings where possible, common sense, hard work and a great deal of thought.
The only proviso to that statement is so long as no EXTERIOR WORKINGS (over which Management has little or no control) require additional contingency monies which is, of course, why all lessees received the September Quarterly Demands with the additional non-voluntary contribution of £2000 each, so enabling reserves to amply fund any additional expenditures.
If Management can be accused of anything, it's that we have failed to throw a terminal knock-out blow to finally silence a few very ill-informed, troublesome and thoroughly vindictive lessees, none of whom reside at Mitre House, some of whom have advanced the most silly ideas and opinions and indeed have been proved wrong on almost every occasion, the RTM, the various quotes they thought acceptable/affordable and worst of all their gerrymandering of fellow lessees to constantly bicker and question Management's exemplary husbandry of Mitre House since 1st January 2012.
The list of complaints, queries, innuendos, accusations and gossip since Management took over simply defies description - and all originating from just one or two sources. It's pathetic, juvenile and totally unjustified as all and any queries have been well explained in hundreds of replies - and inevitably receiving back the predictable same inane reply each time, accusing Management (or indeed the same was endured by ALL our previous Agents) of not replying to the previous queries/comments/accusations/innuendos etc. It's endless, repetitive and a total waste of Management's time let alone boring other lessees to death.
Mitre House Management Ltd
Mitre House_Sunday 2 week update
13 September 2014 at 16:13, Karupiah Segar, Leoni-Sceti Maria,
Riad Samya, michele Hillgarth, Graffiti Editions Ink/Designers, Leigh-Pemberton Christopher, Fortunati Diego & Susanna, Jamil Raja
Raby Lorna
Update - First Fortnight 31st August to 14th September - Exterior/Interior Works
Well it's all over now. Your preferred contractor, A.R. Lawrence, was appointed. The budget of £115,019 was