P. 99

Well it's all over now. Your preferred contractor, A.R. Lawrence, was appointed. The budget of £115,019 was agreed firstly by Michele Hillgarth at a Management Board Meeting, and subsequently by other lessees who, like Michele Hillgarth, had been requiring/insisting on budgets almost double that of A.R.Lawrence with admittedly far more extensive Interior workings, which are NOT included within the agreed Surveyor's specifications - but due to Management's due diligence, common sense and professional ability, we will be accomplishing many additional workings which are not expected to be done (something pointed out to all lessees on numerous occasions) but the costs of which will remain within the agreed £105,019 budget. How, it's easy.
Examples of two very basic, very simple initial examples of how Management will accomplish this herculean task are outlined above
and need no further comment nor explanation. If we save a pound somewhere, we can spend a pound on whatever is missing from the Surveyor's Specifications (electrics,
emergency and communal lighting, the lift, etc etc). If we save a pound and spend two pounds, we will go over budget and any lessee can then challenge the over expenditure if deemed unworthy once the accounts are finally published for Service Charge YE2014.
If you cannot understand that (it's called robbing Peter to pay Paul), we really can't help you further and you should seek professional advice but not via an RTM....
Management would finally request that Flat 9 and now Flat 5, and indeed any other lessee with the same misguided and ill informed queries/complaints, to address their impertinent and totally irrelevant comments and queries to other lessees as opposed to Management, as we have made clear in our numerous reply emails to date that no further comments nor queries of an impertinent nature be further directed to Management. If you cannot understand what Management are doing to accomplish a first rate job, by saving money anywhere to spend on what we could not afford to do, simply wait until the works are completed and then make your comments as to whether well spent or not..
We are far too busy saving lessees (of which all four Management Directors also are) money, time and unnecessary disruption for longer than is required whilst these works progress to the total satisfaction of all lessees.
And that will be to a satisfaction that Management guarantee will please everybody save for the usual suspects, but even they will be impressed by 99% of our efforts on their behalf, leaving them the added dissatisfaction of continuing their vitriol as regards the disliked one per cent. We will not even ask the contented silent majority to make clear their satisfaction to the disaffected minority as, like Management, you'd be wasting your time! Nothing pleases them more than complaining.
This is our final word on the subject, as to date, the Comments Book has not received any adverse nor complimentary comments (ooops spoke too soon, see attached from Michele Hillgarth (Friday 12th @3.30pm) on behalf of, as she states, Flats 1, 3, 4, 8 and 9 - hence you being copied with the attached pdf).
And indeed, three years service charge accounts have also never had an adverse nor complimentary comment, in fact no comments whatsoever! Unusually unusual....without a doubt. And the dedicated 24/7 telephone has never ever received a call in THREE YEARS..... so we must doing something right - until that is, Michele's Friday diatribe! Suggest you break a habit of a lifetime Michele and relax and enjoy the ride - I can assure you and everybody else that Management knows exactly what they're doing and doing it in an exemplary fashion.
The Section 20 answers every query posed by Flats 3, 5 and 9 in detail and requires no further explanation from Management if read alongside the Surveyor's Specifications for both Internal/External works sent to everybody months ago (and at least six to Michele Hillgarth to date) - anything NOT in these specifications is not being done unless Management can pull a rabbit out of the hat - and to date we've pulled two and can guarantee plenty more!
It has been brought to Management's attention from some quarters that confirmation is requested that all nine lessees have been requested of the additional £2000 in the recent Quarterly Demands. We can 100% confirm this is the case and to date, three lessees have complied and paid, bizarrely the three who opposed any additional funding to be requested and to work within the reserve's affordable budget. So those lessees who were always intent on spending a small fortune had best now cough up as they certainly took no notice of Management's numerous warnings as to additional funding requirements.
And do some lessees actually think that Management are so dishonest and devious as to attempt only asking certain lesses for funding. It's almost too pathetic to respond to.

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