Page 23 - nursery final Digital book-4 part-1(final)
P. 23

Unit 4                                           English                                              Part 7

       TOPIC                                                   OBJECTIVE
                               Rhyme                                                    Introduction

     SUB-TOPIC                                                    SKILL
                               Keeping Clean

                                          KEEPING CLEAN !

                                                I wash my hands

                                           With soap and water,

                                         Before and after I eat.

                                              And every morning

                                               And every night,

                                  I remember to brush my teeth.

                                        I have a bath every day,

                                   And twice in the summer heat.

                                    So I'm always clean and tidy,

                                   And always smelling so sweet !

                                                                                Initials :
   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28