Page 2 - nursery final Digital book-6 part-2
P. 2

Unit 6                                            English                                            Part 11

       TOPIC                                                  OBJECTIVE
                              Story                                                     Introduction

     SUB-TOPIC                                                   SKILL
                          The fox & the foolish crow

                                                                  It was about to eat it.

                                                          Then a hungry fox passing

                                                          by saw it. He decided to have

                                                          the piece of bread .

          “Oh! My dear crow," he said to the

          crow, “How beautiful you are! Your

          feathers are really shiny. Surely
          your voice must also very sweet.

          Please sing a song for me."

                                                               The foolish crow opened its

                                                          mouth to sing. The piece of bread
                                                          fell down. At once the clever fox

                                                          picked it up and ran away with it.

                                                                               Initials :
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7