Page 9 - Happy Birthday Anik!!
P. 9

Hey, Have you
             ever found more
             adorable Santas
             than them?

             Well, I don’t
             think that you
             have been able
             to find such.

             They celebrate
             every festival
             and occasions
             with each other
             to embrace its
             glory. Anik never
             forgets to take
             care of Nivedita
             anytime anyday.
             He hold her like
             the most precious gift, he was longing for since long. Nivedita loves Anik a lot and she feels to be
             complete in every aspect after being with him. She hopes and wishes to give every happiness to
             Anik and she can’t see Anik sad even for a single second. Nivedita waits an entire day just to get a
             glimpse of Anik, to share every smallest event that takes place in the entire day. She never wants
             but sometimes mistakenly hurts Anik.But she gets more pain than Anik. She doesn’t get to sleep if
             Anik is in pain. She wishes to reduce his pain in any way possible. Just to see a wide smile in his
             face, she can do anything and can give away her everything. Anik loves her more than a lot. He
             doesn’t say this always but his eyes are expressive enough to say so.

             Hey, I forgot to mention.! Today is Anik’s bitrthday. A Very Very Happy Birthday to You, Anik.!!!!

             We will meet again to wish them Happy Anniversary in the coming month.!
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