Page 67 - Learning Spaces Layout in COVID-19 Pandamic done By Cohort 2017
P. 67
02 COVID-19 Instructions
Introduction To prevent the spread of COVID-19:
01 Maintain at least 1 meter distance from others, and wear a mask
This booklet aims to reorganize the laboratories to 02 Wash your hands frequently with soap and water, or with a hand
the suit the use during the world pandemic (COVID-19) sanitizer.
to be submitted to the Collage of Engineering at
03 Cover a sneeze or cough with a tissue or bent elbow, and imme-
Sultan Qaboos University. The booklet consists of diately dispose of tissue in a closed-lid bin. Avoid touching eyes,
four types of laboratories, computer and printing nose and mouth.
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labs, model labs, material labs and structural labs. It
provides a normal layout for each laboratory besides
new organizations for the furniture to follow up with In working workplaces, especially
the global instructions to reduce the spread of the crowded ones WHO recommends
providing sufficient space, at least
virus. The new layouts made to suit both normal and
10 square meters, for every worker
pandemic cases to make sure there is no wasted and keeping a physical distance of
money. at least 1 between each STAY
person in all settings.
Check out (COVID-19) Dashboard