Page 24 - Learning Spaces Layout in COVID-19 Pandamic
P. 24

List Of Contant

                                                                                              This booklet contains layout and activities for
                                                                                              design studio to be submitted to college. The
                                                                                              layout is divided into two parts,one for normal
            01       Introduction                                                             situation and the other for Covid-19 situation.The
                                                                                              furniture has not changed,so that is not costly to
                                                                                              the college.The only thing that has changed is
            02       Activities and Furniture                                                 the  arrangement  of  the  furniture  to  suit  the

                                                                                              requirement of COVID-19 that were presented by
            03       Nowrmal Situation Design                                                 the World Health Organization in order to pre-
                                                                                              serve the safety of the students. It is also covers
                                                                                              standard dimensions for design studio furniture.
            04       Covid-19 Regulations

                                                                                                 All designs in the booklet are designed to:
            05       COVID-19 Situation Design 1

            06       COVID-19 Situation Design 2                                                                                      8   40%

            07       List of Referance                                                             20    Student
                                                                                                                                       12  60%

            08       Instraction Posters

                                                                                                 The batch size and ratio depending on the average of students in
                                                                                                 architectural engineering  major in the Sultan Qaboos University

    21                                                                                                                                                 22
   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29