Page 34 - chfa2015CommRpt
P. 34

business lending                                                                  how chfa supports
                                                                                  business finance
CHFA supported 411 businesses            from $75,000 to $250,000, or 25
across Colorado in 2015. Combined,       percent of the loan amount, whichever    CHFA helps business owners
these businesses impact 4,878            is less. The total amount of private     access the capital they need
jobs. Several factors led to this        sector lending leveraged through CCS     to grow and create jobs.
achievement, including demand for        in 2015 was $7,784,250.                  We serve both for-profit
CHFA-administered programs that                                                   and nonprofit businesses,
provide access to capital, conduit bond  CHFA’s conduit tax exempt bond           and have unique programs
issuances, and funding for healthy       programs resurged in 2015. CHFA          for manufacturers, rural
food grocers.                            issued $10 million in Industrial         businesses, and healthy food
                                         Development Bonds benefitting            grocers. Using a variety of
The Colorado Credit Reserve (CCR)        Arvada manufacturer WANCO. CHFA’s        resources, such as bonds,
program continued to advance             Mini Bond program was introduced         New Markets Tax Credits, and
community development by helping         to more participants in urban and        revolving loan funds, CHFA
small businesses access capital from     rural communities.                       leverages greater investment
their lenders. Given the program’s                                                in our state – and because
success, the Colorado General            The Colorado Fresh Food Financing        we partner with lenders
Assembly authorized an additional        Fund (CO4F) gained momentum in           and economic development
$400,000 for the program in 2015.        2015 as CHFA deployed $1,027,818 in      professionals, we ensure
CHFA estimates these funds will          loans and grants to healthy food retail  that our resources meet
leverage more than $8 million in         operations in underserved Colorado       Colorado’s unique needs
private sector lending.                  communities. Limon Stop & Shop           while supporting established
                                         Supermarket held an open house to        community relationships.
Cash Collateral Support (CCS) program    highlight upgrades made with its
participation was also significant last  CO4F grant, and the first new store      CHFA is proud to help our
year. CCS helps small- and medium-       build supported by CO4F, Farmers         customers reach new heights
sized businesses access capital that     Fresh Market in Ignacio, celebrated its  by investing in their dreams
would otherwise be unavailable due       grand opening.                           of entrepreneurship. We
to collateral shortfalls. In 2015, CHFA                                           know strong communities
increased the deposit amount cap                                                  make strong economies and
                                                                                  we are proud to play a role.

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