Page 42 - chfa2015CommRpt
P. 42
community engagement how chfa engages
the community
CHFA’s community engagement efforts what homeownership “grants” them.
progressed in 2015 with an increased Engagement with our audiences Community engagement is
focus on outreach. We reinvested online improved in 2015, particularly an integral part of CHFA’s
in our Western Slope office, and with tablet and mobile device business. We regularly host
expanded our multimedia efforts to users, whose visits to our website events and convene advisory
reach younger audiences. increased by 65 percent. groups to ensure our efforts
meet the varied needs of our
To enhance our customer service, CHFA’s Board of Directors customers and partners. We
technical support, and community increased its outreach during the are a responsible advocate for
outreach in western Colorado, CHFA past year by touring and hosting public policy that strengthens
embarked on several projects. We Board meetings off-site at CHFA affordable housing and
expanded our Western Slope team customer locations. Affordable economic development across
to include three full-time personnel. rental housing developments, the state. We collaborate
CHFA also sponsored the Grand Valley such as Tapiz at Mariposa with the private, nonprofit,
Housing Needs Assessment. and Evans Station Lofts, and public sectors to build
were visited. capacity and ensure that our
A new video and new television resources are best leveraged
commercials were launched in 2015 to support the state’s needs.
to promote CHFA’s homeownership We value giving of oneself to
programs to prospective homebuyers. strengthen community.
In addition, we promoted the CHFA
DPA Grant through a Facebook Every CHFA staff member
contest that invited Coloradans to is encouraged to volunteer
post photos and descriptions of and serve on mission-related
boards and committees.
39 CHFA regularly sponsors and
donates to organizations
whose work aligns with our
vision that every Coloradan
has the opportunity for
housing stability and
economic prosperity.