Page 4 - Yearbook issue try out
P. 4

That was the year

         that was...

          Where would the world have been without IT and Information

          Technologists during these extraordinary times? RAY LONG CB
          (Master, 2019-2020) reflects on this most unusual of years in the City

                   ELL what a year! Neither I nor indeed any
                   of us could have imagined how it would
          Whave turned out. But we can be proud we
          as a Livery Company and a profession have done
          so much to help one another, our city and indeed
          our country as a whole throughout the pandemic.

          Just as it is nigh on impossible to read a history of
          the reign of Edward VII, a little more than 100 years
          ago, without the hindsight of our knowledge of the
          subsequent Great War, my installation as Master on
          10 October 2019 with the annual service at St
          Bartholomew the Great seems now to be part of
          another world. That night, at the memorable
          Installation Dinner at Haberdashers’ Hall, I
          announced my theme for the year would be
          “Fellowship”. I could not have imagined what a
          relevant theme it would be.

          However much you may think you are ready for          Annual Dinner; visiting the wonderful Treloar’s
          your year as Master, and however much I watched       School; and meeting HRH The Princess Royal at
          other Masters over the years, nothing can really      the Royal Corps of Signals Centenary Service of
          prepare one for the extent and pace of the role.      Thanksgiving at Salisbury Cathedral.

          There was so much in the first few months. Taking     I became used quickly to the pattern of meetings
          part in the Lord Mayor’s Show and being part of a     and social events, and my determination to be
          welcoming line at Mansion House as it ended; the      strict with myself at the latter soon paid off – I was
          Remembrance Day Service at St Paul’s; hosting two     to lose almost a stone in weight over the course of
          Business Lunches; our Carol Service in December;      the first few months! Though I have to confess …
          sitting in the Master’s Chair at Court for the one
          and only time in January; representing WCIT in the    But the storm clouds were gathering. On 9 March I
          pancake race outside Guildhall. Then there was the    noted in my diary that it “feels like a pivotal week
          visit to HMS Collingwood as we finalised our new      re Coronavirus/COVID-19; London noticeably
          military affiliation, and dinner in the Officers’ Mess   quieter and City events starting to be cancelled.”
          at St James’s Palace with Commodore David             On 16 March, I was at the Hall for the regular
          Elford, who signed our agreement with them. We        Finance & General Purposes Committee meeting.
          had our New Freemen’s Dinner at Goldsmiths’ Hall,     As I travelled home that day, I did not realise it
          and attended the annual Trial of the Pyx to           would be more than six months before I returned
          scrutinise new coinage at the same location. And      to London. On the evening of 23 March, the Prime
          so much more: speaking at the Gresham Society’s       Minister announced the country was in lockdown.
                                                                                               (continued on page 5)
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