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mailxmail - Cursos para compartir lo que sabes

            (ougt ai tu du dat for jer?)
            (¿debiera yo hacer eso por ella?).

            Intermediate  1 english practice, unit 5, " qualifiers and the auxiliary verbs".

            Complete the following sentences as necessary using the qualifiers and the auxiliary

            1) It is _______ late for me to go there.
            2) Are you _______ sure that he is coming here with us?.
            3) It is ________ cold in here, isn´t it?.
            4) It is necessary to be 18 years old to drive a car, harry is 17 and bill is 21.  So. . .
            Harry is ________ young to drive, and bill is old ___________ to drive.
            5) Mary is 97 cms tall, she knows that one person has to be 100 cms tall to ride a
            bicycle, and 95 cms tall to ride a small horse.  So. . .   Mary is _______ young to ride a
            bicycle, but she is short _________ to ride a small horse.
            6) You ________ have to study very hard to be like i am.
            7) The next english course is going to be ________ hard.
            8) You are having problems with your friends, so you __________  talk to them.
            9) _______ I dance with you?.
            10) She _________ go into her house early today because it _______ be dangerous to
            be at this hour on the street.
            11) What you _________ do if you want to pass this course?.
            12) The sky is dark, I think that it _______ rain.
            13) He _______ want to eat because he is very hungry.

            Practice this dialogue with another person:

            1) Good evening, we need a table for 2 please.
            2) Donot worry, come with me, follow me please.
            1) Here it is perfect, thanks!.   Oh!, Waiter!.
            2) Yes?, What can i do for you?, What do you want me to do for you?, What do you
            want for dinner?.
            1) Tell us what you have please.
            2) Well, here is the menu, you can choose what you want and wish.
            1) Let me see, I am not sure, bring me a big lemonade jar first please.  Then, I want
            you to bring me a "tampiqueña" without chile and some pie for dissert.
            3) I want first onion soup, then spaguetti with tuna fish, but hurry up!, Because I am
            too hungry.
            2) Donot worry, I am going to bring your order in less than 10 minutes.
            1 y  3) thank you very much!.

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