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mailxmail - Cursos para compartir lo que sabes

            "might" (maigt) (puede, podría, podrias) = expresa un permiso que fue dado en
            algún punto del pasado, y una posibilidad en un 20% posible.
            He said that he might open the windows.
            It might snow in Veracruz this winter.
            If you scold him, he might tell you the truth.

            Must and had to:
            "must" (most) (debe, debes, deben) = expresa . . .

            1) Necesidad = have to.
            I must go now = I have to go now.
            He must see them tomorrow.
            She mustn´t smoke a lot.
            Must they do what you want?.

            Para expresar necesidad en pasado, se usa "had to".
            He told me that he had to tell you the truth.

            2) Probabilidad o una conclusión lógica.
            All the people are leaving, it must be time for them to do it.
            She isn´t here, so she must´t want to go with us.
            She has gotten a new job, she must like it.

            3) Una obligación moral.
            Sometimes people must believe in something to be happy in their lives.

            4) Una prohibición.
            The doctor told me I mustn´t smoke or drink alcohol.

            Ought to and had better:

            "ought to" (ougt tu) (debí, debiste, debiera, debieras) = expresa una recomendación
            fuerte o una obligación muy personal.
            I ought to write more often to my best friends.
            She ought not to smoke a lot because she may die.
            You ought not to make me get angry, it may be dangerous for you.
            I ought to have done my work when i could.
            "had better" (jad beder) (seria mejor que, mas vale que) = expresa un fuerte consejo
            o una advertencia.
            You had better do it as she says (sería mejor que tú lo hicieras como ella dice).

            You had better not to smoke in a gasoline station, it may burn the station. (seria
            mejor que tu no fumes en una estación de gasolina, puede encender la estación)
            Nota: recuerde que existe  "there be" (hay), en este caso, el auxiliar o modal se
            coloca en medio de "there" y "be".

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