P. 3
wellington , health
This includes 90rdegree rotation for
full natural body weight bearing stand-
up scans and center-line scarming for
every body part, flex and extension, mcr
tion studies, and 3D images. "We will go
boldly where no MRI has gone bofore!"
Nasuti said.
Next Generation hffil opened July 1
and is located across the street from the
IfaJm Beach Outlets in West Palm Beach.
According to Nasuti, the services pro-
vided by Next Generation MRI outryer- Owr ,I r Lloc Nat;I I [i I(ci,riit'.>r`i \J`v/)(r) I I it` NI_`|xl icx'=nerai (r,n MF2l To,f`Ti Of Heatl ier '` `]:i`rlar i\i,
form other Local competitors and are fo- =li2',r\()\ r`i i)I, tit is,ili'_I ''t3I r=ir,_), l-j`inrif`i N\ici Li [ricc; \,J^\/cil=r anil Jill si\3st,\T I
cused on providing paticrits with quick MRI where you ant: laying on your back. Simply put, the G-Scan Brio adds
and accurate answers tb medical ques- '`With the vertical hffil, we can see weight to your diagnosis.
"The Crscan Brio ofliers a. revolution-
tions. your palm better than anyone else," Na-
To add to the overall MRI experience, suti said."That converts to fl more accu- ary MRI approach that increases diag-
Nc=ct Generation has added an MRI cafe rate diagnosis and better treatment." nostic accuracy and confidence for mus-
to its offices, where clients can rest, un- According to Heather Garland, chief culoskeletal apphcations," Nasuti said.
wind and prepare for the MRI by having hffil tech for Ncact Generation MRI, the Once the MRI is complete, it's sent
a cup of coffee.The goal is to create a G-Scan Brio technology in each MRI ma- electronically to Dr. Bnicc. Rodan, one of
low-key, relaxed atmosphere for the cli- chine is the world's fist MRI specifical- the most respected, board{ertifiecL radi-
ent prior to the MRI experience. ly developed to perform more accurate ologists in the industry.
To add to the space-age technology musculoskeletal examinations. The two "His preliminary report will be traps-
aspect of Next Generation MRI's scrvic- MRI rmchines inside Next Generation's mitted in as nttle as 15 minutes, which is
es, when you are in one of its two MRI offices are also the world's only 100 per- another industry first," Nasuti said.
rooms, you can look up and see a pic- cent natural weight-bearing, stand-up One of NeEct Generation MRI's clients
tune of StarTrek's USS Enterprise, on the MRI machines. Of great importance to is West Palm Beach-based chiropractor
ceilirig. It's alright to lay there and say, many potential clients is the fact that Dr. Thomas Rupolo. Hc.'s a big believer
"Efro me up, Scotty! " Next Generation MRI has the leastdaus- in what Ne2ct Generation MRI has to of-
Nczct Generation MRI has two MRI trophobic MRI on the market. fer. "This is the latest and greatest MRI
bays and will only schedule eight to lo According to Nasuti, the G-Scan Brio technology on the market," Rupolo said.
MRls a day on each machine.Ths makes reveals what supine MRls can miss. "It's not a claustrophobic expchencc,
"A coflventional MRI m[y not dem-
sung that no client will ever bc rushed and it provides a superior diagriosis."
throuch an MRI procedure. onstrate the pathology related to these Rupolo will be referring all of his pa-
To get access to NCEct Generation symptoms, but G-Scan Brio gives you a tieiits who need an MRI to Ne]ct Genera-
MRI, you must be referred by a medical new point of view, so you can accurate- troll rm.
professional, such as a chiropractor, or- ly diagnose musculoskeletal pathologies To give you more peace of mind
thopedic surgeon, podiatrist or neuro- affected by a weight-bearing position," when you visit, Next Generation MRI
surgeon. Nasuti said. has installed three bipolar ionization
`We are specializing in patients who The GScan Brio also provides more air purification systems that eliminate
need an MRI due to a[i auto accident, detail, better accuracy and greater con- bacteria and viruses from the air. It's the
workman's comp claim, a persoml in- fidence. same system used by major airlines.
"The G-Scan Brio is superior to other Ne)ct Genercidon MRI is loca;ted at
jury incident, or a slip and fall accident,"
Nasuti explained, MRls because both the magnet and pa- 1700 Rat:in Beach Lakes Blvd., Suite
The big key to Nchct Generation tient can rotate from 0 to 90 degrees," 150, in Tmest Palm Beach. For more iv
MRI's services is that Nasuti and his Garland explained. `Our technology has f ormatton, call (561) WPB-1700 (561-
team can perform a vertical MRI, where eliminated the need for many exploratcr 972-1700) or ijislt u)u)u).nexge'f'imri.
you are standing up, in addition to an ry surgenes." com.m'
42 august 202l wellington the magazine