Page 21 - LIFE MAGAZINE OCTOBER 6 - 1961
P. 21
All-New 1962 Admiral Quality 23" TV
A masterpiece of precision quality
fashioned in the finest furniture
Few may look beyond the This is Admiral Quahty-
grace and beauty of new q`iality that brings you
Admiral 23-inch (overall such exclusi\Je features as
diagonalt) TV. Yet there's Automatic Picture Con-
a masterpiece of precision trast Restoration f`or
inside-a chassis unlike any other, sharpest blacks and truest whites;
engineered throughout for un- a revolutionary new Compactron*
matched performance and long life. tube for peak fringe-area reception
and picture sti`bility ; a new precision
Circuitry in Admiral's 23,000-volt
SP23 chassis is held to a precision of electron gun especially designed to
two and one-half thousandths Of an provide /as/i.#g edge-to-edge focus.
inch and finer! To achieve th.\s. so- And now this exciting new pi.eci.s/.a;7
called handcrafted production TV is fashioned in a Masterpiece
methods had to give way to the un- Collection of fine furniture. Choose
varying accuracy of highly-advanced from authentic period designs that
new machinery. Components, etched will add new and lasting beauty to
circuitry, assembly techniques-a// your home. Admiral Quality TV
are carefully tested and controlled. starts at only S169.95.*
Tlie Saleln, L389, Aliiei..I({In Lo\`tl)tly
in genii.IIie cherrywood veneers and hal.d\`'oo(I soli(ls.
t 2r Ov€RALL Di^GONAL. 282 sO. iN. viEWABiE AREA
JIJmjr.J © solo iN " couNTRIEs . . . ADMIRAL sALEs coRpoRATloN. cHicAGO i7. iLLiNois. cANADiAN ADMIRAL LTD.. roRT cREDiT. CANADA * pRicE sLiGHTLy HicHEB SOME ^REAs