P. 3
<<1stViceCommandercontlnuedfrornpage2 and 9th districts. Your kindness was very for elections. Remember, you as members
appreciated. elect your post officers.
100% in membership. March 31, 2022 is the
big day, keep working district commanders.
Thank you for the warm welcome to the This month is the time to prepare for your Have a very blessed and enjoyable month.
post-elections. Please follow the procedures
posts I visitecl in the 12th,14th,11 th,
Florida Welcomes Teras
Michael Raymond, 2nd Vlce Commander We had a remarkable visit with the National buddy checks, and it hit very close to home
2ndvice@leoionmail.ora Commander. He is just a regular guy; he for me just this week. I lost one of my closest
knows what we`ve done and what we need friends to Suicide. John was a Vietnam-era
lt was an honor to
to do. He needs 300,000 new members to veteran and past Post Commander, he was
escort our National
make the goal but fell short of requiring us actually a drill sergeant when I went through
Commander, Paul Dillard
to get them. He sincerely complimented us basic. His health was poor, and because of
around the Central Area
on our hal.d work, and all that we are doing, his pride, he chose to do the unthinkable,
during his visit. Bruce
encouraging us to keep going. Commander rather than burden his friends.
Cai.I did an amazing job
Dillard was very impressed that 4.7% of our
with the scheduling
membership were new members. Would a Buddy Check have helped? We'll
of visits and meals. At
never know. This isn't new, my friends. It
my last weigh-in, l've
He reminded us that we must all put in happens 22 times a day to our Veterans.
successfully gained about ten pounds. Bruce,
even more effort in retaining our existing Just a phone call can save a life. If you need
however, didn't gain an ounce. I have no idea
why that is. members. And how do we do this you ask? help with this, please contact me or any
Commuhlcatlon and Buddy Checks. He Department officer. We are here for you!
stressed the effectiveness of doing the
CchrisHamritk,3rdvicecommander Post level. This win begin the contimufty that
3rdvice@leaionmail.ora ln District 3,I would like to take a moment we need to transition from year to year and
to extend a heartfelt thanks to District 3 cany us into the future.
We are in March
Commander Stuart Scott, for a successful
now, time ls flying. "March on ra//chas5ee': This is where our
Everyone's Post and Awards. . . write up awards for your people
legislative priorities were discussed with and your Posts. There are many Post and
District calendars are
our State Representatives and are being individual awards to be had and hardly any
filled with activities.
addressed. entries have been submitted. You don't
have to be a large Post or from a large
are so many events
Some of the things I hear over and over Post to get an award. If you don't submit
occurring that it's hard
to decide where to while traveling and visiting posts, seem to for them, rro one will know. Its ok to 7oof
be a common theme. I hear the words. . . yotir oi^rr} hom'1, it inspires others. Find the
Training . . . Awards . . . Mentor , . . MyLegion. awards manual at floridaleaion.ora under +
I won't begin to weigh in on the last one. Resources.
Recently, we finished The American Legic)n
Many of the issues we deal with, at every
Riders Summit. The following week we
visited District 1 with our Department level, are training issues. Much of this I I'm proud to represent Zone 3, which
Commander. We had an awesome visit. addressed in February's article, but 1'11 encompasses District 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 17.
reiterate: as our Mentors help guide us, we
There are many good things happening
need to be working to mentor and train Again, this year is flying by, but we're not
all over. Hats off to Sonny Decl(er and his
those that are coming up through the ranks finished yet. Keep up the momentum. Keep
behind ils, as well as those that are at the it Real.
they're doing up there. Keep it up!