P. 50
Neighborhood Watch Group Brings
Greenview Shores 1 Community Together
Story and Photos by Julie Unger
One of the oldest communities in Wellington, Greenview tenance is the only big project to deal with. Every few years,
Shores 1 is made up of 150 single-family homes. Built in the code compliance officers come through to review properties
1970s, the community has an active neighborhood watch and give advice, Shwiner explained.
group led by John Shwiner, a longtime Crime Stoppers of When Shwiner first moved to Wellington in 1992, he lived
Palm Beach County volunteer. in Sugar Pond Manor. He moved away for a year, and then re-
"Compared to a lot of other subdivisions in Wellington, it's turned to Greenview Shores 1.
one that does not have a homeowners association," he said. The community started a neighborhood watch group in
"It's a neighborly, old-fashioned type neighborhood." February 2011, and he has been a part of it ever since, notic-
With pine trees easily reaching 100 feet and other ma- ing many positive changes in the community.
ture vegetation, Greenview Shores 1 holds true to its original "There were 10 break-ins in a very short period of time,"
plans, leaving as many of the beautiful trees and shrubs in Shwiner explained. "By forming this group, we felt a lot saf-
place as the community was developed. er. Now we have a deputy, a crime prevention officer, who is
That vision is evident in the beautiful park toward the back helping us."
of the community, connected to a large lake shared with a Residents are now more aware about programs and ac-
number of central Wellington neighborhoods. The park has tivities through quarterly meetings, and know about compli-
a trail, a walking path, swings, picnic tables, benches, a play- ance issues and what they should be looking for. Through the
ground and water access, making it the perfect spot to launch Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office, they have also learned
a canoe or a kayak. about suspicious activity, how to recognize it and how to re-
When Hurricane Wilma hit in 2005, much of the foliage port it.
was knocked down, but a healthy percentage has since grown They have also been able to shape their environment.
back. Through learning the correct channels, the community has
The community has reached that sweet spot where main- been able to go to the village and learn about grants for im-
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