P. 6

The most common division ls the department's partition into districts. However, many departments do
               provide for county organizations, inter-county councils, areas and other subdivisions below the district
               level. In some departments, county organizations substitute for districts.

               Depending upon the powers delegated, the district does have some supervisory powers over the posts
               comprising the district, but the primary purpose is to train, promote, educate and coordinate programs so
               the posts can be more effective.

               The D/.sin.colcounty Commander'5 Gu/.de is published annually to assist newly elected district and county
               commanders.This guide is sent to the departments for distribution and available online at


               The American Legion is organized into departments and these, in turn, into posts.There is one department
               in each state and the District of Columbia, and there may be one in each terrltory and insular possession
               of the Unlted States (Puerto Rico). Each department may prescribe the constitution of its posts, and the
               department has supervision of the posts within its boundaries and the posts assigned to it by the National
               Executive Committee (NEC).There are also foreign departments in the Philippines, France and Mexico. In all,
               there are 55 departments.
               National Headquarters

               The top legislative body of The American Legion is the convention delegates at the annual national
               convention. The National Executive Committee (NEC) is vested with administrative authority bet\^reen
               national conventio ns.

               Through the offices of National Headquarters in Indianapolis and Washington, D.C., the policies of The
               American Legion are clarified and its activities are centered and directed. Thus, the influence of more than
               12,000 posts ls coordinated and directed within American Legion policy.

               Post officers


               The ability to lead is recognized by election to the office of post commander. Now, draw on ability and past
               experience while developing new skills to help the post prosper.

               The charge accepted, commander, is broad and difficult. How you respond will determine to a large degree
               the standing of The American Legion among associates and within the community. The support of district
               and department officers, the information in this guide, and help from post officers will together make
               performing the job possible. Look to the overall operation of the post and realize you have stepped to
               another level. At first it may seem the step is too high, but as time goes by, following the suggestions and
               recommendations ln this guide, the year as commander will be most rewarding.

               Plannlng post operations for the coming year
               New post officers generally take office without enthusiasm and a desire for a successful year. In the charge
               accepted at installation, the commander is entrusted with the supervision of the duties of all other post
               officers. Encourage them to use initiative and develop new ideas. The success of the post will be judged by
               their effectiveness.

               There are many ways to determine whether a post commander and the post's officers are having a
               successful year. Value judgments are made by the members, the community, and byThe American Legion
               itself. Like it or not, a gain or loss ln membership ls the measure most commonly used.

                                            T+I I  ,\M[ Rl`=AN   I.EGIC`N  I  OFFICER'S GUIDE 12020
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