Page 7 - velocity brouchers
P. 7

Sewage Treatment Plants

                     he Sewage treatment plant  process to help break down sol-

                 Tprocess is similar to the way  ids to produce a cleaner, more
                 that a septic tank works but me-               environmentally  friendly  efflu-
                 chanical components provide a  ent.

                Onsite Above Ground

                       n site waste water treat-                 flow  and  capacity  and  can  be
                Oment is becoming the pre-                       built from 10 KL to 2 MLD. Sep-

                 ferred treatment method over                    arate room is constructed to
                 centralized  treatment  plants.                 house all the instruments and
                 VELOCITY’S          Onsite-       Above         control elements. These plants

                 Ground        sewage         treatment          have low life cycle cost and can
                 plant is a single built concrete                be built in various shapes and
                 module containing aeration,                     dimensions.
                 settling and disinfection cham-                       On site Above Ground STP

                 bers inside a closed concrete                   eliminates the long  distance
                 pit.                                            transport of waste water to
                       The concrete construction                 treatment  plants  and  purified

                 does not have any limitation of                 water back to point of origin.
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