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**Information from STBB
Agent’s Commission Transfer Costs
- Your agent would have supplied you with
Penalty Bond Interest a table of costs.
- if 3 month’s written notice not given to the - Note that the transfer duty is payable to
bank to cancel seller’s bond. the conveyancers approx. a month
- It equates to approximately a bond before transfer.
installment for each completed month of - No transfer duty payable if the seller is
notice not given (or pro rata thereof ) VAT registered and the sale forms part of
the seller’s VATable enterprise. The
Bond Cancellation Fee purchase price will either be recorded in
- (If property is bonded) the contract as inclusive or exclusive of
- Between R2 000 – R2 500 VAT.
- Note: this still applies even if the bond has - The account to purchaser may include
a nil balance. the cost of obtaining a home owners’
association consent to transfer.
Rates and Services - Rates clearance certificate
- Any arrears, current amounts owing and a
120 day advance collection amount. Bond Costs
- Only if there is a registered bond.
Levy amounts owing to the Body Corporate - Your agent would have supplied you with
or Home Owner’s Association a table of costs.
Certificates Occupational Rental
- Electrical (in order if issued under 2 years & - If purchaser moves in before transfer.
no changes made to the installation) - Always try and provide for a figure in the
- Beetle (if applicable) Agreement of Sale, even if occupation is
- Plumbing (if applicable) on transfer.
- Gas (if applicable)
- Approx R2 000 for all 4 if no repairs Plans
necessary. - Seller not obliged to deliver copies of
approved plans to the Purchaser
Certified Copy of Title Deed:
- If original misplaced – the cost is approx. Conveyancer’s Certificate re Title
R1000. Restrictions
- If purchaser intends subdividing or
Any repairs agreed to in the contract. renovating (examples)
- Any financial undertakings for seller.
- Bridging finance for seller
- Obtain directive from SARS (withholding
tax scenario)
- Repatriation of funds
foreign investment abroad