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                          SOLE MANDATE                                      OPEN MANDATE

             A PERSONALISED FOCUSED MARKETING                    You run the risk that none of the agents will put
             & ADVERTISING PLAN will be developed to                   time and effort into actively marketing or
             suit your needs. Activity will be monitored &                          advertising your property.
             controlled. Sole mandates receive preferential

             A SINGLE AGENT interacts with you to under-                  Open mandate properties tend to be
             stand your requirements. This agent assumes               ADDED to the pot of properties for sale.
             responsibility & accountability.

             A sole agent allows BUYERS TO COMPETE                On open mandates, AGENTS compete, based
             for the property, thereby maximising realised       on price thereby COMPROMISING THE PRICE.
             selling price.

             Continuous feedback from your agent allows for              Mismanagement of price often results
             careful PRICE MANAGEMENT over time, there-                      in a LOWER PRICE being realised.
             by maximising the realised selling price.

             A sole agent is ACCOUNTABLE to you for             Agents are LESS ACCOUNTABLE on open man-
             results and under pressure to perform therefore                  dates and treat all clients equally.
             much more will be done to get results.

             Real Estate PRINCIPALS monitor and track the         Managers don’t necessarily monitor AGENTS’
             service provided by their agents, especially on              PERFORMANCE on open mandates.
             their sole mandates.

             Your sole agent will NEGOTIATE WITH                    With an open mandate, buyers will seek out
             POTENTIAL BUYERS to get the highest                   the agent who will offer them the property at
             price for your property.                             the LOWEST PRICE. The property may be ad-
                                                                                     vertised at various prices.

             Less likelihood of COMMISSION DISPUTES.                  With more than one agency handling your
                                                                            property, COMMISSION DISPUTES
                                                                                                   may arise.

             You have the PEACE OF MIND of knowing that               Multiple agents frequently mean multiple
             only one responsible party has access to your             keys – and possibility of COMPROMISED
             property.  Security, privacy, control and viewing         SECURITY, unwanted risks and incidents.
             access is better managed.
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