Page 16 - June Mag
P. 16


     1) Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
     Cost cutting essentially means doing the most with the least. Why pay top dollar for a product you
     could get at half those prices from someone on your preferred second-hand goods platform. As the

     saying goes,” One mans trash is another mans treasure.” Take the time to sort the duds from
     deals and save yourself that extra cash to invest in the unavoidables like that leak in the
     bathroom. Always remember, spending time now can save you money later!

     2) Do it yourself

     So you’ve grown tired of the lime green bedroom wall you wake up to every morning but
      you wouldn’t know a brush from a roller. Stop paying others to do work you might be
     more than capableof doing but are avoiding out of ignorance. With platforms
     such as YouTube and Facebook offering free video content on DIY advice,
     people are more capable now than ever before.Do the research, work
     the numbers and evaluateyour skill level for this particular project.
     If you are capable, the project is cost effective and you have the
     equipment to complete the task in its entirety, set some time aside
     and tackle those pesky eye sores yourself!

     3) Will it make sense in the long run?
     There’s no denying the aesthetics of a well-made thatch roof on the right
     home or room. The problem lies in the maintenance of the thatch itself in
     the long run. Some additions lean more towards a luxury addition as

     opposed to a necessary one. Do the research necessary regarding the
     long-term maintenance and overall value it ads to your home. While
     knocking out that bedroom wall to open your entertainment area
     might seem like a great idea now, consider that you have now
     essentially removed a bedroom from your home. Potential buyers
     never want to buy into a home they know will requirerenovations
     simply to meet their family dynamics needs.

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