Page 22 - June Mag
P. 22

       IN THE END?

       I was nominated as executor of a wealthy late estate (for argument’s sake let us say R30
       million). A wealthy gentleman left his wife for his secretary and disinherited his wife and
       children. He left his entire estate to his new romantic partner, and subsequently died in a car
       accident in or around 1994. Naturally the children were devastated that their father had left
        them nothing and all went to his new love interest.

       The deceased where I was executor, namely the heir of the accident’s victim, died in or around

       June 2017. She was found in her bed weeks after having passed. An original Last Will and
       Testament was easily found in a safe that was slightly ajar. The cause of death remains

       In the Will, the deceased’s entire estate was left to an old romantic partner who she had not
       seen for around four years. The Will was not updated in all those years. I telephoned the new
       heir with the news and began the process. Naturally he had mixed emotions. The new heir
       moved into the deceased’s house and engaged an accountant to manage this sizable sum
       coming his way in an appropriate manner. The new heir (ex-boyfriend) had met the accountant
       after his deceased ex-girlfriend had died, and quickly drew up a Will making the accountant the
       sole heir of his new found wealth as an interim measure until all had been settled.

                        A few             weeks later, that heir died in the same house, leaving the entire estate to
                                              the accountant. At this juncture I was contacted by private investigators,
                                             homicide detectives, attorneys, disgruntled family members, but by
                                         operation of the law the accountant was in fact the sole heir of the entire

                                                                             The money has been far removed from any relative. A
                                                                                          man left his wife, died in a car accident, left
                                                                                         everything to his new love interest, who died with
                                                                                            an old Will leaving everything to a man she had
                                                                                             not spoken to in over four years, who died and
                                                                                           left everything to an accountant he met just
                                                                                          months prior.

                                                                                            Moral of the story is make sure you have proper
                                                                                            estate planning that is up to date!”

                                                                                             Yours Faithfully
                                                                                             David B. Roberts - Director
   E:                                20                            C: 021 556 5568
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