Page 7 - June Mag
P. 7


    It  is  possibly  one  of  the  best                      Although the FNB House Price Index points to price

    times to buy property                                     appreciation of 4.2% y/y for February and slightly up
                                                              since  January,  the  growth  has  been  predominantly

                                                              evident  in  the  low  to  mid-price  sectors  and  once
    Whether you are looking to take your first step onto      adjusted  for  inflation  is  benign.  Generally,  while
    the  property  ladder  by  buying  your  first  home,  or  there  has  been  a  steady  stream  of  sellers,  the
    looking to relocate or buy up, you potentially could      market  remains  well  balanced  although  we  may
    not  have  asked  for  a  better  time  to  invest  in  real  start seeing stock shortages come through but only

    estate.                                                   in certain areas.

    Now  is  a  great  time  if  you  want  to  buy  a  bigger  The top end of the price scale continues to present
    home  with  a  study  or  some  extra  space  to  work    some of the best buying opportunities both in terms

    from or make a move to a lifestyle estate where you       of new stock not seen before and prices which have
    can enjoy more of a lifestyle while still adhering to     remained relatively flat since 2017. FNB for example
    vital  social  distancing  and  Covid  regulations.  The  specifically  noted  that  the  top  end  price  scale
    unbelievably  low  interest  rate  means  that  you  can  declined by about 5.5% over the last year.

    save around 30% on the cost of borrowing on the
    one hand, or simply buy more square meterage.             Looking ahead, the Seeff Property Group continues
                                                              to  see  the  outlook  for  the  market  as  positive  with

    Despite not getting another interest rate cut this        activity  driven  by  the  low  interest  rate  which  is
                           month, the interest rate remains at the    expected to remain at the current level for most of
                              lowest level in decades  which is great    this  year.  Impetus  in  the  market  in  turn  creates
                             for property and gives buyers the   opportunities  for  sellers  to  also  take  advantage  of
                            ideal conditions to get into the market.   the market.

                              At the same time, prices  have also
                                              remained reasonable.  The  rental  market  continues  to  see  pressure  on
                                                              rental rates and for as long as the Covid Pandemic

                                                              lingers, tenants are likely to find it challenging to
                                                              pay higher rents. Landlords should therefore work
                                                              with  credible  agents  and  look  to  minimise  losses
                                                              and vacancy rates.

                                                              Samuel Seeff

                                                              Seeff Property Group
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