Page 14 - Blouberg Marketing Kit 3.indd
P. 14
Amenity Type Distance (km)
Dolphin Beach Beach 2.89 km
Bloubergstrand Beach 2.97 km
Table View Beach Beach 3.25 km
Total - Parklands FillingStation 0.54 km
Engen Westgate Convenience Centre FillingStation 0.65 km
Sasol Parklands FillingStation 1.09 km
Intercare Blaauwberg Hospital/Clinic 1.38 km
Body Stress Release Hospital/Clinic 1.50 km
Lucsious Lashes International Hospital/Clinic 1.63 km
Parklands Police PoliceStation 0.49 km
Table View PoliceStation 2.00 km
Parklands College PrePrimarySchool 0.13 km
Doddwoods PrePrimarySchool 0.41 km
Parklands College Secondary School SecondarySchool 0.17 km
Parklands Junction Centre ShoppingCentre 0.46 km
Ashwood Centre ShoppingCentre 0.47 km
Raats Drive Shopping Centre ShoppingCentre 0.51 km
Cape Theological Seminary TertiaryInstitution 2.46 km
Please note that Lightstone obtains data from a broad range of 3rd party sources and-despite the application of proprietary data cleaning processes-cannot guarantee the accuracy of the
information provided in this report. It is expressly recorded that information provided in this report is not intended to constitute legal, financial, accounting, tax, investment, consulting or other
professional advice. This report does not contain any confidential information relating to the property owner or any owners residing in the suburb. All Owner details, bond, home loan and property
registration information in the reports is from the Deeds office where information on all property registrations, property transfers as well as all registered bonds/ home loans are kept. This is public
domain information and accessible by any person.
This report was purchased by Russell Soffer who is the Responsible Party under POPIA for the use of any personal information herein. Here's our Privacy Policy.
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