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                                                     D9 anD D10 SporTS

     karNS city (6-2) at WilmiNgtoN (7-0), 7 P.m.

     karNS city Pulled oFF a StuNNiNg uPSet to get to thiS PoiNt, kNockiNg oFF brookville iN the d9
     title game (16-14) aFter loSiNg to the raiderS 44-0 iN the regular SeaSoN. WilmiNgtoN, meaNWhile,
     WoN itS FiFth Straight diStrict 10 title aFter beatiNg Farrell For the third time thiS SeaSoN, 19-

     the greyhouNdS have yielded juSt 20 PoiNtS iN the Four gameS Not agaiNSt Farrell thiS SeaSoN.

     here’S hoW the teamS match uP

     WilmiNgtoN oFFeNSe (39.4 PPg.)

     the greyhouNdS are goiNg to come at karNS city With a tremeNdouS ruShiNg attack, led by their
     excelleNt oFFeNSive liNe aNd a Pair oF taleNted backS.

     ethaN SuSeN aNd darreN miller are the bell coWS, With SuSeN ruShiNg For 793 yardS aNd eight
     touchdoWNS aNd miller 596 yardS aNd 10 ScoreS. luke edWardS, Who Scored a touchdoWN iN the
     WiN over Farrell laSt Week, haS 328 yardS oN the grouNd aNd quarterback caeleN beNder 251.

     beNder haS alSo throWN For 281 yardS aNd Six touchdoWNS thiS SeaSoN.

     karNS city oFFeNSe (31.1 PPg.)

     the gremliNS rely oN a Stable oF ruNNiNg backS, but Will alSo Put the ball iN the air their Fair

     cole cooN (350 yardS, 4 touchdoWNS), jayce aNderSoN (241 yardS, 5 touchdoWNS) aNd kadeN
     Scherer (201 yardS, 2 touchdoWNS) lead the grouNd game.

     quarterback eric booher haS comPleted 45 PerceNt oF hiS PaSSeS For 725 yardS, SeveN touch-
     doWNS aNd Four iNtercePtioNS. hiS toP targetS are micah ruPP (17-266-4) aNd Scherer (13-232-

     WilmiNgtoN deFeNSe (10.6 PPg.)

     thiS iS a uNit that FlieS to the ball, aNd it’S led by the likeS oF maSoN reed (Who had a Pick Six iN
     the Farrell WiN), morgaN WhitiNg, eloN horchler, SuSeN, miller aNd a hoSt oF otherS.

     karNS city deFeNSe (16.5 PPg.)

     the gremliN deFeNSe haS Played their beSt Football oF the SeaSoN oF late, aNd it’S led by cooN (80
     tackleS, 17 tFl).

     alSo PlayiNg key roleS are NathaN WaltmaN (66 tackleS, 12 tFl), luke gariNg (64 tackleS, 14
     tFl) aNd Scherer (Four iNtercePtioNS).
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