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                                                                                                       Building Recovery for Kasaï

                                                                                                        The  USAID/BHA  funded  Build- tive agriculture systems, access to

                                                                                                        ing Recovery for Kasai (BUREKA) savings and credit, and ensuring

                                                                                                        which is implemented by ADRA is access to safe WASH services, BU-

                                                                                                        a 12-month activity to build upon REKA provides improved seeds of

                                                                                                        ADRA’s successful initiatives in the commonly grown crops in the re-

                                                                                                        Food Assistance for Displaced, Re- gion and established farmer field

                                                                                                        turnees, and Expelled Congolese school (FFS)  to train  in  good ag-

                                                                                                        1–3 (FADREC 1–3). While FADREC ricultural  practices. In addition,

                                                                                                        interventions  focused largely on through  the development of vil-

                                                                                                        food assistance, BUREKA is using lage savings and loan associations

                                                                                                        minimal inputs of food assistance (VSLAs), BUREKA is encouraging

                                                                                                        to support ADRA’s early recovery regular household  savings and

                                                                                                        and  livelihoods  restoration  ap- training  in  basic  financial  man-

                                                                                                        proach. Working with 10,500 HHs. agement. Food assistance as well

                                                                                                                                                                                                          as improved access to clean water

                                                                                                        With  the  goal of contributing  to from rehabilitated springs and hy-

                                                                                                        the early recovery and livelihood giene promotion are other aspect

                                                                                                        restoration of the most vulnerable of the intervention.

                                                                                                        households through the integra-

                                                                                                        tion of more intensive and produc-
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