P. 35
Lack of access to clean water has been iden- perienced shock, and of these, 72% cited wa-
tified as a critical health issue in Kamonia ter-related disease as the source of shock;
territory, leading to an increase in disease Gender-based violence against wom-
and compromising food aid and agricultur- en and girls due to the distance be-
al livelihood activities. tween sources and households.
Unsafe hygiene practices increase the risk
60% of households in Kasai, Kamonia get of water-related diseases (diarrheal diseas-
their water from an unimproved source, es that reduce nutritional absorption, chol-
and household members - mostly women era...)
and girls - may spend hours each day fetch-
ing water. Unsafe water increases the risk With this in mind, ADRA, in its BURE-
of disease, including cholera, which the re- KA project, has integrated WASH into
gion has experienced from the 65% of re- the Agriculture and VSLA package.
spondents to the June-July IPC (Integrated
Food Security Classification) survey who ex-
Building Recovery For Kasai (BUREKA) - 35