Page 39 - The Encyclopedia of Taoism v1_A-L
P. 39

xliv              THE  ENCYCLOPEDIA  OF  TAOISM   VOL .  I

         30  Great Emperor of the Eastern Peak                         37 8
         31  Control Channel and Function Channel                      39 0
         32  Ritual tools                                            412- 13
         33  Fei Changfang enters his gourd                            4 1 7
         34  A Taoist master lights a candle during the Division of the Lamps
           ceremony                                                    4 18
         35  Great Emperor of Fengdu                                   422
         36  "Planchette writing" (fUji)                               429
         37  Taoist Master Chen Rongsheng wears a heavy brocaded daopao
           Crobe of the Dao")                                          456
         38  Chart of the Yellow River and Writ of the Luo River       484
         39  A "red-head" ritual master                                489
         40  The Yellow Court                                          512
         41  Opening verses of the Scripture of the Yellow Court       513
         ~~~~~~~                                                       ~
         43  Hundun C ... a cinnabar-red animal shaped like a sack with six legs
           and four wings ... ")                                       524
         44  Diagram of the "fire phases"                              527
         45  The "fire phases" in the human body                       528
         46  Taoist Master Chen Rongsheng presides at an Offering ritual   540
         47  Sword presented by Sima Chengzhen to Tang Xuanzong        560
         48  Emblems inscribed on the reverse side of mirrors          561
         49  Primordial pneuma (yuanqi) in the SCripture and fllustration for the
           Mysterious Contemplation of the Mountain of the Bird-Men    563
         50  Floor plan for a "quiet chamber"                          574
         SI  Laozi as the author of the Daode jing                     612
         52  Laozi as a deity                                          614
         53  Talismans of the Five Emperors in the Prolegomena to the Five Talismans of
           the Numinous Treasure                                       676
         54  The immortal Liu Haichan                                  687
         55  Dragon and Tiger joining their essences in the alchemical tripod   701
         56  An episode from the life of Lii Dongbin                   713
         57  Fragments of the Mawangdui manuscript of the Daode jing   739
         58  Entrance to Mazu temple (Tianhou gong) in Lukang, Taiwan   742
         59  The alchemical process represented by trigrams of the Book of Changes   763
         60  Chart of the Inner Warp                                   768
         61  Chart for the Cultivation of Peifection                   769
   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   41   42   43   44