Page 3 - XCaliber Crane and Rigging - Blaine Pytel
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raising the bar. elevating the industry.
 r aising the bar .  ele va ting the industr                                        y    .


                  With our modern fleet of equipment and through collaboration
                  with a multitude of industry associates, XCaliber is able to

                  provide our customers with innovative and cost effective
                  hoisting solutions. We are able to provide cranes ranging in
                  size from 8 ton to 500 ton, including all terrain, rough terrain,

                  truck mount hydraulic, conventional mobile, and crawler
                  cranes.  We pride ourselves on the fact that we make a point

                  of working with customers in the pre-job planning stage to
                  ensure that the most effective approach is presented and that
                  the proper equipment is dispatched.
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