Page 80 - مجلة جمارك عمان العدد 5
P. 80

Issue (5) January 2023

of payment of all the customs liabilities. The         in order to trace the banned trade. Such
risk that the customs have includes: firstly, the      controls constitute a form of risk management,
possibility of non-compliance with customs             but not necessarily the most effective one. The
laws; the required licenses, value of supply,          volume of foreign trade has increased. Also its
rule of origin, regime of exclusion from liabilities,  complexity and speed has increased, and this
limitations in trading, rules of security and          was helped by the continuous development of
secondly, the possibility of failures of customs in    technology. If every shipment was controlled,
facilitating the international trade. The customs      the queue at the customs would always be
as every other body need to manage their risk.         present, creating delays and corruption. As
This requires systematical procedures which are        a consequence, the customs administration
necessary in decreasing the risk, assuring that        is expected to implement more means of risk
the appointed targets are effectively met. these       management. This with impact not only in
procedures include: identification, analyze,           increasing the efficiency but also in minimization
evaluation, treatment, monitoring and review of        of interference during the trade transactions
the risk, which can violate the achievement of         decreasing in this way the non-fee barriers in
objectives. The risk management at the customs         trade (Ejona Bardhi (2015)). A definition of job
is fundamental in effective customs operations,        performance should be useful for the full range
and it must be highlighted that the customs            of strategies and interventions that the field of
administration applies everywhere certain              industrial and organizational (I/O) psychology
forms of risk management, formal and informal          might utilize to improve human performance
ones. Based on the previous experiences and            in work organizations. Many of these strategies
on the information, the customs have always            involve recruitment and selection, training
applied necessary procedures to identify illegal       and development, or motivation. In addition,
activities, while attempting to decrease the           other strategies that might involve removing
risk. The most traditional procedures include          constraints that prevent individuals from
physical and documentation control of persons          contributing to organizational objectives and

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