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                                                  PROFITABILITY RATIO
                   1.  Return on Asset

               Return on Assets (ROA) measures the income generated from total assets during a certain time
               by  comparing  the  net  income  to  total  assets.  ROA  is  used  to  measure  the  efficiency  of  a

               company’s management of its assets to make profits. The ratio can also prove how efficient a
               company      can    turn    money     used    to    purchase    assets    into   net    profits
                (MPIINC,  n.d.).  Assets are  funded  either  by  debt  or  equity,  so  investors  try to  set  aside the

               acquiring costs of the assets by adding back the interest expenses. Investors favour higher ratio
               because it shows that the company is more effectively managing its assets and produce greater
               net income amounts. From the table above, it is clearly calculated that in 2018, Public Bank has

               the ROA of 1.37%, while RHB Bank records 0.95% as its ROA which shows that Public Bank
               has greater return than RHB Bank. Without doubt, this proves that Public Bank manages its assets
               more efficiently than RHB Bank. Public Bank has generated more income from its assets.

                   2.  Return on Equity
               Return on Equity (ROE) measures the return rate that the owners of common stocks of a company

               gain from their shareholdings. Efficiency of the company in generating returns on the investment
               received from the shareholders is marked by the ROE. The return can be used as a standard to
               pick  stocks  within  the  same  industry.  Investors  prefer  company  with  higher  return  because

               investors  want  to  see  their  invested  money  is  being  used  effectively.  To  track  a  company’s
               progress and capacity to maintain productive earnings trend, investors choose to determine the
               ROE at the beginning and end of a certain time to see changes in the return. Referring to the

               table above, Public Bank has greater ROE of 12.90% than RHB Bank. Return on Equity for RHB
               Bank is 2.22%. It shows that the stockholders of Public Bank gain more return than stockholders

               of RHB Bank. Public Bank is better in utilizing the investments made by its stockholders and has
               generated more income.

                   3.  Interest Spread

               Interest spread is like profit margin. If a bank has larger interest spread, the more it earns and
               therefore the more the bank is worth. It is important for the bank to monitor changes in interest
               spread along with the spread size. The interest that a bank gains on its assets and pays on

               liabilities can fluctuate and it can affect the income when the interest rates changes. Changes in
               the interest spread are an indicator of a bank’s profitability as the bank makes its money from the

               interest spread. Based on the table, in 2018, interest spread of Public Bank is 1.84%, while RHB

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