P. 23

2.  Loss Ratio
               Loss ratio is a measure of the actual risk coverage per unit of premiums that the insurer has

               already earned. The amount of a company’s net premiums that were allocated to underwriting
               cost, such as salaries, commissions to brokers and agents, state, benefits and other operational
               expenses. This ratio is determined by dividing the net claim insured by net premiums earned. It

               is the measure of an insurer’s business efficiency to investor; the loss ratio is a reflection on the
               nature of risk underwritten and the adequacy or inadequacy of pricing of risks. The loss ratio

               shows what percentages of pay-outs are being settled with recipients. Based on the calculated
               table ratio, shows that the loss ratio for the year 2018, where the Sun Life Insurance Company is
               lower which is 49.14% compared to AIA Insurance Company that is 81.53%. Meaning that, Sun

               Life Insurance Company is better that AIA Insurance Company. The suggestion for AIA Insurance.
               Company  for  improvement  and  lower  the  ratio  is  that  the  company  may  need  better  risk

               management policies to guard against future possible insurance pay-out and to become more
               efficient insurance company.

                   •  Combined Ratio

               Combined ratio is the addition of loss ratio and expense ratio, which shows in together how an
               efficient insurance company is to select the policy as well as control the underwriting expense.
               The lower the ratio the better efficiency it indicates. A ratio below 100 % represents a measure of

               profitability and the efficiency of an insurance firms underwriting efficiency. Ratios above 100 %
               denote a failure to earn sufficient premiums to cover expected claims in insurance company.

               Besides that, based on the above calculated table ratio shows that the combined ratio for the year
               2018, where the Sun Life Insurance Company is below 100% that is 82.39% compared to AIA
               Insurance Company that is 101.92%. Unfortunately, it shows that the AIA Insurance company fail

               to earn sufficient premium to cover expected claim because the ratio above 100%. The suggestion
               for  AIA  Insurance  Company  for  improvement  is  that  the  investors  should  generally  stick  to
               investing in low-cost and disciplined insurers to avoid failure in the company.

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