Page 163 - Fundamental Of Design In Mechanical Engineering
P. 163


        ◦ Is a process of collecting data from physical part

        ◦ It is used when technical/engineering drawing of object is not


        ◦ Aim is to generate a 3D mapping of a product in the form of CAD file

        ◦ This process requires acquisition of surface data, which is large
           number of points on the product surface

        ◦ Two type of process which are contact method and non-contact


           Table 4.1 : Differentiation between contact and non-contact method
               Contact Method                                       Non-Contact Method

               Requires contact between                             Uses light as the main tool
               component surface and the

               measuring tools

               Uses Coordinate Measuring                            Uses white light / laser scanner

               Machine(CMM),                                        to scan 3D objects to

               electromagnetic                                      generate CAD design
               digitizer/sonic digitizer to get

               desired coordinate                                                                                                   163
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