Page 187 - Fundamental Of Design In Mechanical Engineering
P. 187

Powder Bed Fusion

      ◦ Powder bed fusion encompasses a variety of AM techniques including
         direct metal laser melting (DMLM), direct metal laser sintering (DMLS),

         electron beam melting (EBM), selective laser sintering (SLS) and selective

         heat sintering (SHS).

      ◦ Electron beams, lasers or thermal print heads are used to melt or partially
         melt fine layers of material after which excess powder is blasted away.

      ◦ The Powder bed fusion process uses any powder-based materials, but

         common metals and polymers used are: SHS: Nylon DMLS, SLS, SLM:

         Stainless Steel, Titainium, Aluminium, Cobalt Chrome, Steel EBM: titanum,
         Cobalt Chrome, ss, al and copper (Materials Arcam, 2014).


                                Figure 5.7 : Schematic diagram of PBD process
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