Page 182 - Fundamental of Engineering Design
P. 182
Directed Energy Deposition
1. Directed Energy Deposition (DED) covers a range of terminology: ‘Laser
engineered net shaping, directed light fabrication, direct metal deposition, 3D
laser cladding’ It is a more complex printing process commonly used to repair or
add additional material to existing components
2. Direct energy deposition additive manufacturing can be used with a wide variety
of materials including ceramics, metals and polymers.
3. A laser, electric arc or an electron beam gun mounted on an arm moves
horizontally melting wire, filament feedstock or powder to build up material as a
bed moves vertically.
4. The Electron Beam Melting process uses metals and not polymers or ceramics.
5. Metals: Cobalt Chrome, Titanium (EBM - Built Materials, 2014).
Object Metal Wire supply
Figure 5.6 : DED 182