Page 30 - City of Hope NBPI 2022 SOL Journal
P. 30

  City of Hope Offsite Tour, Golf Outing
and Hall of Fame Dinner
March 2-4, 2022
More than 80 business products industry executives spent a couple of days in Dana Point, California learning about City of Hope. Tour participants were welcomed by Annette Walker president of City of Hope, Orange County. The group also heard from Dr. Rick Kittles about Health Equities and Dr. Joseph Alvarnas about our AccessHope program. This “kick-off” event set the tone and spirit of the rest of the “Restoring Hope” campaign honoring Peter Scala.
The event began March 2 with presentations followed by a cocktail reception at the host hotel, the Laguna Cliffs Marriott in Dana Point, CA. Those who participated in the golf outing had a bit of rain but otherwise a great day at Monarch Beach Golf Club. All participants gathered at the golf club for lunch and to hear from Dr. Stephen Gruber who spoke to the group about Precision Medicine & Prevention and Dr. Charles Brenner gave the group an update on City of Hope’s exciting research in Diabetes. The event concluded with the Hall of Fame dinner back at the Marriott. This year’s Hall of Fame recipients Steve Hilleard and David Lary, were recognized for their longstanding support of City of Hope.

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