Page 5 - City of Hope NBPI 2022 SOL Journal
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It has been a privilege to represent the National Business Products Industry and Staples as this year’s Spirit of Life® Honoree. While I have been a longtime supporter and strong advocate for City of Hope for many years, this year has given me a unique perspective on the individual and collective generosity that this industry continues to demonstrate in so many ways. Business partners, peers, and competitors coming together each year for a singular cause, our 40 year relationship with City of Hope.
I’m especially proud of the Staples team for their incredibly generous efforts leading a handful of very successful Staples led activities in which we donated and/or raised over $3M for City of Hope this year. Our participation in numerous NBPI fundraising events, Staples hosted Honoree Golf Outing and sponsorship of the Bob Parker Memorial. Also, our special efforts that extend beyond the business products industry, sponsorships for City of Hope Direct Mail Corporate Matching Gift Program, as well as the City of Hope Summer Science Academy and Walk for Hope.
Success is a team sport, and for me, I wish to sincerely thank Amy Vanden-Eykel, Chris Tjaden and Cara McDonough for supporting me and this campaign for the last 18 months. The incredible Staples merchandising team also put in significant work with outreach and recruitment efforts to secure support and participation – thank you.
But of course, none of our larger success would have been remotely possible without each and every one of
From the
2022 Spirit of Life® Honoree
Peter Scala
Chief Merchandising Officer, Staples Inc.
you, and your companies. Companies large and small activated budgets, time, participation and support. Over 200 companies participated, representing every aligning vertical of the National Business Products Industry – Office, Technology, Industrial/JanSan, Breakroom/Food Service, Furniture, Packaging, Health and Safety.
Together we can accomplish so much more for humanity than we can apart. Our 40 year partnership with City of Hope has had real world impact for those suffering from cancer, diabetes and other life threatening disease. Breakthroughs in research, therapy development and technology that now impacts the lives of over 100 million patients around the globe each and every year.
I’m proud of what we accomplished but we all know that City of Hope has so much more to do. Next year Boris Elisman from ACCO Brands will be our honoree. Boris, our thanks and congratulations. I know that Staples and this industry look forward to continuing our good work for next years campaign and beyond.
Warmest regards, Peter Scala