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               Resources required

             Situation        HUMAN RESOURCES         INVESTIGATION       DRUGS AND              EQUIPMENT
             1) Secondary     1)Ophthalmologist  - 1  Smear test          1)Antibiotics eye      1Slit lamp -

             level            2)OP Nurse               - 1  1)Gram stain    drops and ointment   biomicroscopy         -1
                              3)Refraction  nurse  -   2)Giemsa stain     2)Steroid eye drops    2)Light microscopy -1
                              1(shared )                                  3)Systemic             3)Alginate swabs  – 1
                              4) OT Nurse               -1                antibiotics and        4)Glass slide            - 1
                              5) Scrub Nurse          -1                  NSAIDS                 5)Basic stains          - 1
                              6) Ward Nurse          -1                   4) Nasal               6) OT Headlight       -1
                              7) Counselor             -1                 decongestant drops     7) Suction mach      -1
                                                                          5) Nasal steroid       8) Cautery                -1

                                                                          spray.                 9) DCR SETS             -2
                                                                          6) Betadine 5%
             2) Tertiary level  1)Ophthalmic plastics   1)Smear test      1)Antibiotics eye      1Slit lamp -
                              specialist                  - 1  2)Culture   drops and ointment    biomicroscopy         -1
                              2)Refraction  nurse  -   medium             2)Steroid eye drops    2)Light microscopy -1
                              1 (shared )             3)Drug sensitivity  3)Systemic             3)Alginate swabs  – 1
                              3)OP Nurse              - 1  4)Nasal        antibiotics and        4)Glass slide            - 1
                              4)lab technician     – 1  endoscopy         NSAIDS                 5)Basic stains          - 1
                              5)Scrub  nurse        – 1  5) CT Scan       4) Nasal               6) OT Headlight       -1
                              6)OT nurse              – 1  6) DCG/DSG     decongestant drops     7) Suction mach      -1

                              7)Ward nurse          - 1                   5) Nasal steroid       8) Cautery                -1
                              8) Counselor            - 1                 spray.                 9) DCR SETS             -2
                                                                          6) Betadine 5%         10)Nasal endoscope -

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