P. 84

Laser  photocoagulation:  laser  photocoagulation  is  usually  reserved  for  CNV  outside  the
               fovea and for treatment of the variants of exudative AMD, including retinal angiomatous
               proliferation (RAP) and polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy.
               Photodynamic therapy (PDT)
                       1.  Sub foveal predominant classic CNVM (classic CNVM >50% of the area of entire
                       2.  Small pure occult CNVM
                       3.  Large occult CNVM with definitive decrease n visual acuity.
                       4.  Mixed lesions

                          Technique  :vertiporfirin  (6  mg/kg  BW)  is  infused  intravenously  over  10
                          minutes.non thermal laser is applied for CNVM for 83 sec ,spot size 1000µ larger
                          than greater linear dimension of the lesion to ensure complete closure.

               Trans  puppilary  thermotherapy:  uses  infra  red  laser  beam  to  induce  neovascular    tissue
               regression by hyper thermia but not coagulation.
                       Technique : over lapping one minute application of 3mm diode laser beam ovar the
                       area  of  neovascular  tissue  ,adjust  the  power  so  that  retinal  blanching  does  not
                       develop befre45 seconds.

               Anti angiogenic agents:
                                 (i)  Bevacizumab
                                 (ii)  Ranibizumab
                                 (iii) Pegatinib sodium.
               These medications are VEGF antibodies and antibody fragments, respectively. They can help
               to induce regression of new vessel.

                     Regular  follow  up  once  in  6  months  if  patient  is  in  dry  AMD  stage.  No  specific
                       treatment. Patient is taught about Amsler grid and its use in this stage.

                     Anti oxidant and Zinc supplementation if patient is in intermediate AMD stage.
                     Referral to higher centre for treatment if patient is in exudative AMD stage.
                     Rehabilitation with low vision aids if there is atrophy or scarring.

                       Standard Operating procedure

                       a.  In Patient: Not necessary
                       b.  Out Patient: Yes. For investigations and diagnosis.
                       c.  Day Care: Yes. For treatment.

                   d)  Referral criteria:
                          Exudative AMD
                          Difficulty in diagnosing with FFA
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