P. 18
Gourmet Retailers
Starbucks Vilo Gelato Hokben
Daily Traffic: Daily Traffic:
Daily Traffic:
Weekday Weekend Weekday Weekend Weekday Weekend
300-400 500-600 200-250 400-600 400-500 700-800
Visitor/Day Visitor/Day Visitor/Day Visitor/Day Visitor/Day Visitor/Day
Starbucks Indonesia has now grown to more than 4,000 Vilo Gelato offers premium gelato made locally. First HokBen is a pioneer of Japanese fast food chain of
partners in more than 500 stores in 36 cities, bringing the operating in 2017 and has now spread across Jakarta, restaurants in Indonesia. Now in 2023, Hokben has more
Starbucks Experience to customers across Indonesia Bandung, Bogor, and has penetrated the newest area, than 334 branch outlets in Indonesia.
including Sawangan in Eco Town now. Depok and has more than 11 operating outlets.