Page 58 - Keys to College Success
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               What happened to John?  Finally, lightning struck—the   most of you, before your
               tiny Red Bluff Daily News in Northern California needed a   careers are finished, will
               sports editor, and John took the job. After two years of a   find yourselves in jobs that
               heavy workload and low pay, his risk paid off with a gig   do  not  exist  today.  .  .  .
               as a Washington, DC, correspondent for Red Bluff’s parent   Embrace change, be an agent of
               company. He drove 3,200 miles across the country, arriving   change, but recognize its limitations. Hold on to
               in DC on a winter night. “I remember looking at the   your values.” Think of how the world has changed since
               Capitol and just being filled with amazement that I’m   you  began  high  school.  Name  a  change  you  have
               there,” he says, “but also filled with determination and   embraced successfully, and one that has proven more
               the resolve to make it work.”                       challenging  for  you.  Now  consider  what  your  world
                                                                   might be like 10 years from now. Identify three skills you
               After four years covering Washington politics and a stint   have now that will help you weather the changes ahead.
               in the Denver Post newsroom, John returned to the Bay
               Area. He worked as assistant city editor at the San Fran-  What risk may bring reward beyond your world?  The
               cisco Chronicle, one of the nation’s most esteemed daily   work that John and his staff do has helped revamp a
               newspapers. He was promoted to East Bay bureau chief   flawed  California  foster-care  system,  overthrow  an
               and, in 1996, to a prominent role as editor of the editorial   unethical district attorney, and trigger legislation to
               page. Although he and his staff have earned many awards,   protect financial privacy for bank customers. “That is
               John is prouder of the legislative, social, and cultural prog-  what we should be doing as journalists,” John says,
               ress  inspired  by  the Chronicle’s  editorials.  The  National   “giving voice to people who otherwise don’t have the
               Association of Hispanic Journalists honored him in 2008   clout to lobby for themselves.” Read one day’s set of
               for opinion columns on topics including immigration and   editorials on the Chronicle’s opinion page (find them at
               the terrorism “watch list.”               —click on “Index,” and then under
                                                                   the “Sections” heading, click on “Opinion”). Then do
               What  does  this  mean  for  you?  John  has  endured   the same on your local paper’s online editorial page.
               changes, including the upheaval of the print industry in   Thinking about a local issue, consider what rewarding
               the new digital era. His ability to take risks and work   change you might work to make happen. Then write a
               hard has brought him enormous rewards. Honored to be   compelling letter to the editor. Take the risk to send it
               asked to address the graduates at Humboldt’s 2010 com-  in and see what far-reaching positive effects your words
               mencement ceremony, John said: “Some of you, perhaps   might have.

                 GLOBAL RI  SK AND REWARD                    Looking for a low-cost, energy-saving transportation option in

                                                           Montreal,  and  capitalizing  on  the  widespread  use  of  bicycles
                                                           there, city transportation officials developed the BIXI bicycle shar-
                                                           ing  system.  BIXI—a  combination  of  BIcycle  and  taXI— provides
                                                           bicycles for rent at stations all over the city. Users pay at a kiosk,
                                                          unlock a bike, use it for up to 24 hours, and then return it at any
                                                          BIXI station. BIXI bikers travel at low cost, release no toxins into the
                                                        environment, and get great exercise to boot. 35

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