Page 208 - Keys To Community College Success
P. 208
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Complete the following on paper or in digital format.
How good is your memory when it comes to bills and due dates? Find out by answering the following questions. First, create
a hard-copy or digital table with headers as shown.
1. Off the top of your head, list your typical monthly bills, their estimated amount and estimated due date. Do this
quickly and do NOT worry if you are wrong.
2. Now go through your actual bills to f ll in the actual amount and actual due date. Then complete the following:
a. Name any bills you forgot to include in your f rst list.
b. For any bill where your estimate did not match the actual values, identify how far off you were in dollars and
whether your estimate was high or low.
Prioritize materials. Determine what you need the most work on and put it first,
then save easier materials for later. Almost every student has more steam at the begin-
ning of a study session than at the end; plus, fatigue or an interruption may prevent you
from covering everything.
Set specific goals. Look at what you need to cover and the time you have available, and
decide what you will accomplish—for example, you will read pages of a certain textbook
KEY 7.3 Manage children while studying.
■ Keep them up-to-date on your schedule. Kids ■ Utilize your baby’s
appreciate being involved, even though they may not sleeping schedule. Study
understand entirely. Let them know when you have a at night if your baby goes to
big test or project due and what they can expect of you. sleep early or in the morning
■ Find help. Know your schedule and arrange for if your baby sleeps late.
child care if necessary. Consider offering to help ■ Make time in the middle.
another parent in exchange for babysitting, hiring Study during nap times if you
a sitter, or using a day care center. aren’t too tired yourself.
■ Utilize techonology. You may be able to have a study session over the ■ Talk to your baby. Recite your notes to the baby. The
phone, through instant messaging, by email, or over social networking sites. baby will appreciate the attention, and you will get
Additionally, some sites offer tools that allow multiple users to work on a work done.
document or project remotely. ■ Keep them close. Put your baby in a safe and fun
■ Be prepared and keep them active. Consider keeping some toys, place while you study, such as a playpen, motorized
activities, or books that only come out during study time. This will make the swing, or jumping seat.
time special for children.
■ Plan for family time. Offset your time away from your children with plans
to do something together such as a movie or ice cream. Children may be
more apt to let you study when they have something to look forward to.