Page 224 - Keys To Community College Success
P. 224

student PROFILE

                                  Alexis Zendejas

                                  BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY, PROVO, UTAH

                                 About me:                   class and my ability to understand the material. Then I spend the
                                 I  am  a  Native  American  woman   rest of my time studying my materials. I make and use a lot of flash
                                 from Omaha, Nebraska. I am the   cards (my studying salvation!) for subjects where repetitive learn-
                                 seventh of eight children. Grow-  ing is required to grasp the words and their meanings. I make sure
         ing up in a big family was a lot of fun as well as challenging; my   to apply what I’ve learned after memorizing from flash cards. For
         personal goal was to keep up with my older brothers and sisters   example, I would make flash cards for Spanish, then speak the
         educationally and mentally. I plan to major in business marketing   vocabulary words in my day-to-day speech. I work hard to focus
         with  a  minor  in  American  history.  After  completing  my  under-  and not let myself get distracted during my study time. I do take
         graduate degree, I hope to earn a joint juris doctorate (law degree)   short 10-minute breaks to get a drink of water, listen to a song, or
         and master’s of business administration (MBA).      move around.

         What I focus on:                                    What will help me in the workplace:

         When I started high school, I didn’t have to work that hard to do   One of my sisters works in a law firm and I see that she has to do
         well.  That  all  changed  junior  year  when  I  took  three  advanced   a lot of research. It’s easy to imagine that all a lawyer does is work
         placement classes and three honors classes. I had to apply myself   in a courtroom pleading the case to a judge or showcase evidence
         beyond just completing my assigned homework.        to persuade a grand jury, but I see her spending more time gather-
            Here is how I approach studying: I give myself a short break   ing information than anything else. I know that the study skills I
         after my day of classes, setting a time to return to my studies.   practice will come in handy during my intended career whenever
         When I go back, I start by reading my notes from my classes for   I need to learn and focus.
         about 15 minutes or sometimes a bit longer, depending on the

                                   Step 4: Create study sheets.  This step puts your master notes in their shortest, most
                                   manageable (and portable) form. A study sheet is a one-page synthesis of all key points
                                   on one theme, topic, or process. Use critical thinking skills to organize information into
                                   themes or topics that you will need to know on an exam.
                                   Step 5: Review and review again.  To ensure learning and prepare for exams, review
                                   your condensed notes, study sheets, and critical thinking questions until you know
                                   every topic cold. Try to vary your review methods, focusing on active involvement.
                                   Recite the material to yourself, have a Q and A session with a study partner, create and
                                   take a practice test. Another helpful technique is to summarize your notes in writing
                                   from memory after you review them. This will give you a fairly good indication of your
                                   ability to recall the information on a test.

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