Page 192 - Keys to College Success
P. 192
KEY 6.9 Use the CARS test to determine information quality
on the Internet.
Examine whether a Examine whether Examine whether Examine whether a source
source is believable information is correct— material is fair, is adequately supported
and trustworthy. i.e., factual, comprehensive, objective, moderate, with citations.
detailed, and up to date and consistent.
(if necessary).
What are the author’s Is it up to date, and is that Does the source Where does the information
credentials? important? seem fair? come from?
Look for education and If you are searching for a work of Look for a balanced Look at the site, the sources used
experience, title or position literature, such as Shakespeare’s play argument, accurate claims, by the person or group who
of employment, membership Macbeth, there is no “updated” and a reasoned tone that compiled the information, and the
in any known and respected version. However, you may want does not appeal primarily to contact information. Make sure
organization, reliable contact reviews of its latest productions. For your emotions. that the cited sources seem
information, biographical most scientific research, you will reliable and that statistics are
information, and reputation. need to rely on the most updated documented.
information you can find.
Is there quality control? Is it comprehensive? Does the source seem Is the information
objective? corroborated?
Look for ways in which the Does the material leave out any
source may have been important facts or information? While there is a range of Test information by looking for
screened. For example, Does it neglect to consider objectivity in writing, you other sources that confirm the
materials on an organization’s alternative views or crucial want to favor authors and facts in this information—or, if
website have most likely been consequences? Although no one organizations who can control the information is opinion, sources
approved by several members; source can contain all of the their bias. An author with a that share that opinion and back
information coming from an available information on a topic, strong political or religious it up with their own citations. One
academic journal has to be it should still be as comprehensive agenda or an intent to sell a good strategy is to find at least
screened by several people as is possible within its scope. product may not be a source three sources that corroborate
before it is published. of the most truthful material. one another.
Is there any posted For whom is the source Does the source seem Is the source externally
summary or evaluation written, and for what moderate? consistent?
of the source? purpose?
Do claims seem possible, or Most material is a mix of both
You may find abstracts of Looking at what the author wants does the information seem current and old information.
sources (summary) or a to accomplish will help you assess hard to believe? Does what External consistency refers to
recommendation, rating, or whether it has a bias. Sometimes you read make sense when whether the old information
review from a person or biased information will not be compared to what you already agrees with what you already
organization (evaluation). useful for your purpose; sometimes know? While wild claims may know. If a source contradicts
Either of these—or, ideally, your research will require that you turn out to be truthful, you something you know to be true,
both—can give you an idea note and evaluate bias (such as are safest to check every- chances are higher that the
of credibility before you if you were to compare Civil War thing out. information new to you may
decide to examine a source diaries from Union soldiers with be inconsistent as well.
in depth. those from Confederate soldiers).
Signals of a potential Signals of a potential lack Signals of a potential Signals of a potential lack
lack of credibility: of accuracy: lack of reasonableness: of support:
Anonymous materials, Lack of date or old date, Extreme or emotional Statistics without sources,
negative evaluations, little generalizations, one-sided views language, sweeping lack of documentation, lack
or no evidence of quality that do not acknowledge opposing statements, conflict of of corroboration using other
control, bad grammar or arguments interest, inconsistencies or reliable sources
misspelled words contradictions Reading, Research, and Writing
Source: Harris, Robert. “Evaluating Internet Research Sources.” VirtualSalt, November 22, 2010. From