Page 337 - Keys to College Success
P. 337

RISK                          ACTION
                    RISK ACTION

                   FOR  COLLEGE,  CAREER,  AND  LIFE  REWARDS

                                       KNOW IT            WRITE IT          WORK IT

                        Complete the following on paper or in digital format.

                          KNOW IT                Think Critically

                        Your Relationship with Money

                        Getting a handle on money anxiety starts with an honest examination of how you relate to money.
                        Build basic skills.  Analyze yourself as a money manager. Look back at page 280 for a descrip-
                        tion of what influences the way people handle money. Make some notes about your  personal
                        specifics in the following areas.
                          1. What do you most value spending money on?
                          2. How do you manage money?
      11                  3. How does your culture tend to view money?
      CHAPTER           Take it to the next level.  Generate ideas about what you want to do with your money. If you
                          4. How do your family and friends tend to handle money?

                        had enough money for your expenses and then some, what would you do with the extra? Would
                        you save it, spend it, do a little of both? Describe what you would do if you had an extra $10,000
                        to spend this year.
                        Move toward mastery.  Look for practical ways to move toward the scenario you imagined.
                        Realistically, how can you make that $10,000 a reality over time? You may need to change how
                        you operate as a money manager. You may need to make some sacrifices in the short term. Describe
                        two specific plans involving changes and sacrifices that will move you toward your goal.

                        WRITE IT Communicate

                        Emotional intelligence journal: You and credit.  First, describe yourself as a credit card user.
                        Do you pay in full or run up a balance? Pay on time or pay late? Restrict use to emergencies or use
                        your credit card (or cards) all the time? Describe how using credit cards makes you feel. Examine

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