Page 343 - Keys to College Success
P. 343
KEY 12.1 Actions move you toward cultural competence.
Action 1:
Value diversity
Action 2:
Identify and evaluate personal perceptions and attitudes
Action 3:
Be aware of what happens when cultures interact
Action 4:
Build cultural knowledge
Action 5:
Adapt to diverse cultures
KEY 12.2 Approach diversity with emotional intelligence.
Fellow student For an assignment, you are You assume the student will be clue- You acknowledge your feelings but try to
paired with a student old less about the modern world. You get get to know the student as an individual.
enough to be your mother. ready to react against her preaching You stay open to what you can learn from
about how to do the assignment. her experiences and realize you have
things to offer as well.
Friend You are invited to dinner at Uncomfortable with the idea of two You have dinner with the two men and
a friend’s house. When he men in a relationship, you pretend you make an effort to get to know more
introduces you to his partner, have a cell phone call and make an about them, individually and as a couple.
you realize that he is gay. excuse to leave early. You avoid your You compare your immediate assumptions
friend after that. to what you learned about them at
Employee Your new boss is of a You assume that you and your new You acknowledge your stereotypes but set
different racial and cultural boss don’t have much in common. them aside to build a relationship with your
background than yours. Thinking he will be distant and boss. You adapt to his style and make an
12 uninterested in you, you already effort to get to know him better.
don’t like him.