Page 83 - Keys to College Success
P. 83

RISK                          ACTION
                          RISK ACTION

                     FOR  COLLEGE,  CAREER,  AND  LIFE  REWARDS

                                       KNOW IT            WRITE IT          WORK IT

                        Complete the following on paper or in digital format; for the time management exercise, use the
                        in-text grids.

                        KNOW IT Think Critically

                        Discover How You Spend Your Time

                        Build basic skills.  Everyone has exactly 168 hours in a week. How do you spend your hours?
                        Start by guessing or estimating the time you spend on three particular activities. How much time
                        do you spend on each of these activities in a week?

                           Studying? ________ hours
                           Sleeping? ________ hours
                             Interacting with media and technology (computer, online services, cell phone, texting, video
      2                    games, television) for nonacademic purposes? _______ hours
      CHAPTER           Weekly Time Log chart has blocks showing half-hour increments. As you go through the week,
                           To find out the real story, record how you actually spend your time for seven days. The

                        write down what you do each hour, indicating when you start and when you stop. Include sleep
                        and leisure time. Record your actual activities instead of the activities you think you should be
                        doing. There are no wrong answers.

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