P. 65

Parameter A.S.3. Faculty teaching professional courses/RLE have at

          least one (1) year experience in his/her area of specialization.

          NAME OF FACULTY                     LENGTH OF             PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE

  ALVARADO, ANGELITO                            11 years        Research Coordinator for CON

  CACAYAN, EDMELYN B.                           17 years        Dean, College of Nursing

                                                                Clinical Coordinator

                                                                Staff Nurse

  CHY, MICHELLE D.                               3 years        Extension Coordinator for CON

                                                                Adviser for Student Organization

  GALINGANA, MARKHIPOLITO P.                    15 years        Research Coordinator for CON

                                                                Secretary for College of Nursing

                                                                Adviser for Student Organization (SBO)

                                                                Review Coordinator

  GALINGANA, RIKKA KLAIRE V.                     3 years        Secretary for College of Nursing

                                                                Adviser for Student Organization (SBO)
  MANGAOIL, RIANNE MAIE C.                      13 years        Program Chair for MPA

                                                                Clinical Coordinator for College of Nursing

                                                                Adviser for Student Organization (SBO,

  TUPPAL, ROMELLA M.                                            Program Chair for College of Nursing

                                                                Guidance councilor for College of Nursing

                                                                Adviser for Student Organization
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