P. 25

Parameter E. S.3. Every faculty member has at least one active membership in

        professional/scientific organizations or honor society relevant to his/her
                              assignment and field of specialization.

          NAME OF FACULTY                     MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL                    EXPIRATION
              (Permanent)                               ORGANIZATION                            DATE

  1. ALVARADO, ANGELITO                            Philippine Nurses Association             12/31/2022

                                             Philippine Nursing Research Society, Inc.         06/2023

                                              Philippine Association of Researchers &
                                                     Statistical Software Users

                                           Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society
                                                            of Nursing

                                            International Association of Research Ethics
                                                         Across Discipline

                                             American Association for Men in Nursing

                                               Global Society for Philippine Nursing
                                                      Research Society Inc.
  2. CACAYAN, EDMELYN B.                           Philippine Nurses Association             12/31/2022

                                            Association of Deans of Philippine Colleges
                                                            of Nursing
  3. CHY, MICHELLE D.                              Philippine Nurses Association             12/31/2022

                                             Philippine Nursing Research Society, Inc.         06/2023
  4. GALINGANA, MARKHIPOLITO P.                    Philippine Nurses Association             12/31/2022

                                             Philippine Nursing Research Society, Inc.         06/2023

  5. GALINGANA, RKKA KLAIRE V.                     Philippine Nurses Association             12/31/2022

                                             Philippine Nursing Research Society, Inc.         06/2023

  6. MANGAOIL, RIANNE MAIE L.                      Philippine Nurses Association             12/31/2022

                                             Philippine Nursing Research Society, Inc.         06/2023

                                            Real Nurses Association  of the Philippines

  7. TUPPAL, ROMELLA M.                            Philippine Nurses Association             12/31/2022
   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30